Brian Carson lives in Toronto, Canada and is a life-time student of the photographic and digital arts. His artistic portfolio covers a wide range of styles and subjects including fine art, black and white, corporate and social events, music, and location and sports photography.

As a young man Brian worked in Toronto in a professional photo lab. He was educated and trained by the knowledgeable and innovative owner, a professional photographer with more than 25 years of experience. With over 10 years of practical mentoring as a professional photo lab technician Brian developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of traditional black and white photography.

He also witnessed the technological creativity and innovation at the lab that was the precursor to the revolution of digital photography. This solid foundation defines Brian’s lifelong love of the camera and everything that goes along with being a photographer today. Brian considers himself incredibly lucky to have one wife, one daughter, one dog and two cats who tolerate him constantly chasing around with his camera in his attempt to capture the elusive ‘one perfect shot’.

The Brian Carson Photography Collection